Article: It’s okay to kick kids out of your bed! Sleeping alone promotes kids’ independence and reduces anxiety. By Melissa Fisher Paoni, Ph.D. and Kendra Ostermeier, M.A. intern
Article: Not all screen time is created equally By Kelsie Tobias and Melissa Fisher Paoni
The Springfield Psychological Center (SPC) clinicians continue to provide sessions via, which is a synchronous video platform to conduct therapy sessions, in addition to in-office sessions. It is important to patients to contact their insurance carriers to ensure that teletherapy services continue to be covered. SPC follows CDC guidelines for healthcare facilities. The CDC no longer recommends universal masking in healthcare settings, unless facilities are in areas of high COVID-19 transmission levels. Therefore, masking is no longer required at SPC at this time. However, if transmission levels are high in our community (as assessed by the Sangamon County Department of Public Health), masking will be required at that time. SPC engages in mitigation measures including air purifiers, regular cleaning with disinfectant, and available hand sanitizer. Masking will continue to be optional for staff and patients.